Wow Private Server Dmg Hack

Wow Private Server Dmg Hack Rating: 6,1/10 9755 reviews

Today i´m gonna show you how to do more Damage in World of Warcraft Privateserver or Funserver. Im playing on Im coding with Cheat Engine and the Tutorial comming when this. Damage hack wow 3.3.5 download free.

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World of Warcraft Cheats. There are many possible ways to cheat in WoW that are currently being used or have been used in the past. There are hacks, such as speedhacks, radar hacks and similar cheats that are being injected into the game.

The following is a compilation of Exploits/Hacks on Ascent/Antrix private servers.
I have tested all of these on both Wowscape and BurningWoW.

List:(Scroll down to find explanations and walkthroughs for them.)Glitches:
1. Gold exploit with bags.
2. Throw 200 weapons at once.
3. Do thousands of damage every time you throw a throwing weapon.
4. Death bug (No longer works for Night Elves.)
5. Equip three extra items! (four shields at once!)
6. Lots of HP and Spelldamage/healing.
7. Hunter pet bug. Do hundreds of thousands of damage.
1. WowEmuHacker (All-Purpose Hack.)
2. Talent hack + Trainer Hack.

Explanations and Walkthroughs:
1. Gold exploit.
Requirements: At least one sell-able bag.
Equip your bag and put something in it (anything, just make sure it isn't empty.)
Go up to a vendor and sell the bag. You have to drag the bag onto the vendor to sell it. You will get the money for selling the bag, but you keep the bag!
However, you cannot sell the bag again or un-equip the bag until you relog. The best way to farm gold with this is to get four really expensive bags that sell for like 10g apiece and sell all four of them to vendor, then relog. Rinse and repeat.
Have fun with your gold!

2. Throw 200 weapons at once.

Requirements: Rogue, and a throwing weapon.
Equip your throwing weapon.
Open a macro window ( /MACRO ) and make new macro. In the text of the macro you type this: Now copy and paste those six lines over and over until you have no space left in the macro. Now, go up to a mob and click on the macro and BAM (holy crap that's a lot of damage!)
This macro should throw 10 weapons at once. To make it throw 200 weapons at once, type '/click ActionButton10' at the end of the macro, and equip the macro into your 10th action button.
P.S. This was originally posted by me at Thousands of damage every time you throw a throwing weapon (Stack damage on throwing weapons).
Requirements: 1) The ability to use a throwing weapon, 2) Two or more throwing weapons 3) The macro from the exploit posted above.
Instructions: Go around using the exploit above until you run out of ammo on your first weapon. Now, equip the second throwing weapon. If you did this right, the damage from the two weapons will have stacked. For example, if you have a throwing weapon that deals 20-30 damage per hit, use it all up, and then equip a 10-20 damage per hit weapon, your damage will now be 30-50 damage. This can be repeated over and over and over (just go back to town and repair ur throwing weapons, or keep like 30 weapons with you) to get thousands of damage on your throwing weapons. Now go solo Illidan!
P.S. The stacking damage resets if you log off or get disconnceted.

This was originally posted by me at
4. Death bug (invincible to all melee, and invisible to everybody).
This bug DOES NOT WORK for NIGHT ELVES. For some reason Wisp Form cancels it out.
Procedure: Go to Booty Bay in STV, and go to the dock where the boat arrives. Wait for the boat to arrive, then get on the boat. Now, get yourself killed on the boat (Be creative! The way I do it is by setting my rep. tab with Booty Bay to 'At War' and then attacking the guards.) Now, release your spirit. If everything was done correctly, you will be DCed. When you log back in, you will have a ghost BUFF instead of DE-buff, and you will be invisible to everybody EXCEPT other ghosts, and GMs. Bosses cannot attack you, but will still hit you with AoE spells if any member of your party is not using this glitch.
P.S. Originally posted by me at

Wow Private Server Setup Guide
5. Equip three extra items! (Up to four shields at once!)
Originally posted by Kaboose_1337 at: Private servers only ok well what you do is get the three extra items you want i recomend if your a melee or ranged person dont stack weapons but if ur a mage or lock or spell damage person by all means stack weapons with spell damage. If ur melee or ranged (hunter) and u stack weapons ur dps will lower so dont.
Ok basically get ur bags and totally empty them exept ur backpack and the one next to it, then put the three extra items in the bag next to ur backpack the other three bags should be empty now drag one of the bags onto the extra item you want equiped and wala an extra item but it apears in your bag slot you do loose bag space but if ur a warrior with 3x 6 k armour sheilds thats 18 k extra armour and the other stats it has too.
ill post some screenies when i get some.
6. Lotsa HP/Healing.
Originally posted by Kaboose_1337 at:
Well basically get some Golden spellthread and put it on ur pants its tailoring btw, then relog and it will stack 20 stamina more and 66 healing more then relog again and so on.. hope it works for ya.
7. Do hundreds of thousands of damage with your hunter pet.
Requirements: Be a hunter, and have a pet. Also, a pally friend who is high enough level to cast Blessing of Might, and is willing to help you out.

Procedure: Summon your pet and have the pally cast Blessing of Might on it. Now, set your pet to Stay and run away from it until it de-summons. Now, run back to the Pally and summon your pet again. Rinse and repeat.
This glitch is much easier and faster if the pally is lvl 70 and if you are using speedhacks.
From my experience, simply dismissing it does not work. I'm not sure that this is the only way to do this glitch, but it is the only way that I could discover.
1. WowEmuHacker
WowEmuHacker is a general all-purpose hack. It has speedhack, tracking, walk-on-water, teleport to plane, no-fall-damage, and MountainClimber. Fly hack does not work. Teleport basically doesn't work, but if you're lucky it'll work sometimes.
Find it at:
GamerzPlanet - For All Your Online Gaming Needs!!

I take no credit for this hack.

2. Talent Hack.
This is too long to copy and paste. Go to
Zentek is the original poster of this hack, and all other copiers etc. are just trying to steal his rep.
PrivateAll credit for this hack goes to Zentek, of course.

Wow Private Server Damage Hack

Wow Private Server Gold Hack

If you have any additions to make to this, please post them in this thread.
Sticky plz!